Department Activites
Academic Activities:
Workshop/Seminar/Symposium organized
- “National symposium on Recent Trends in Biotechnology” held between 27th and 28th Jan,2003.
- “National workshop on Aquaculture” held on 29th March, 2003.
- “National workshop on Biotechniques” held between 22nd and 26th September, 2003.
- “Workshop on Tribal Medicine” on July 9th 2004.
- “National workshop on Bioinformatics and Computational biology” on August 6th, 2004.
- “National seminar on Biodiversity Conservation and management” held on 3rd March, 2005.
- “National seminar on Nutrition and Dietetics” held between 3rd and 4th February, 2006.
- “National workshop on Gene technology” held between 26th February to 3rd March 2007.
- “Mc-Nus Biointeract-2008” an international collaborative scientific meet was organized by Dep. Of Biotechnology along with other life science department on 5th November 2008.
- “National seminar on Advances in Cell Culture” held 20th March, 2009.
- “National seminar on Emerging Trends in Nano Biotechnology” held on 19th February,2010.
- “National workshop on Techniques in Medical Biotechnology” held between 9th and 11th February 2011.
- “National seminar on Kinetics of Genome Diversity” held on 26th August 2011.
- “National seminar on Pharmacognosy” was held on 21 Feb.2012.
- “National seminar on Bioremediation” held on 28th February 2013.
- “National seminar on Regenerative medicine” held on 14th February 2014.
- National seminar on Drug Designing held between 9th and 10th February 2015.
- National seminar on Bio-Innovations for Global prosperity held between 22nd and 23rd September 2015
- “Hands on training on bioinformatics tools for drug designing And Career guidance” held on 8 th August 2016. In: Department of Biotechnology, Malankara Catholic College, Mariagiri, Kaliakaviali, Kanyakumari District.
- Satellite Symposium on Biotechnological Interventions in Environmental Management and Food Security 23 September 2016, as part of International conference on Environmental Sustainability for food security (ENFOSE 2016), 22-24 Sep 2016. Org. by: Sree Ayyappa College for Women, Chunkankadai, Nagercoil, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu.88
Seminars/Symposia/Workshop attended by faculty members and students
- National Seminar on BIOQUEST-2014 Organized by Department of Biosciences at Noorul Islam College of Arts and Sciences, Kumaracoli on 5th February 2014.
- National Symposium on Bio-Technology For Sustainable Biodiversity, Organized by Department Of Bio-Technology and Zoology at Annai Velankanni College Tholayavattam , On 12th September 2014.
- “National seminar on Regenerative medicine” Organized by Department Of Bio-Technology, Malankara Catholic College on 14th February 2014.
- International program of European Fellowships and Opportunities with funding at Stella Mary’s College of Engineering, Aruthenganvilai on 31st January 2015.
- National seminar on Drug Designing held between 9th and 10th February 2015.
- National seminar on Bio-Innovations for Global prosperity Organized by Departments Of Life Science, Malankara Catholic College on 22nd and 23rd September 2015
- National Conference on Bio-Technology For Sustainable Development, BSD-2016, Organized by Department Of Bio-Technology at Annai Velankanni College Tholayavattam , On 11th & 12th February 2016.
- National Seminar on BIOQUEST-2016 Organized by Department of Biosciences at Noorul Islam College of Arts and Sciences, Kumaracoli on 4th February 2016.
- National Seminar on Sustainable Utilization of Biresources, Organized by Department of Biosciences at Muslim Arts and Sciences,College, Thiruvithancode On 17th February 2016.
International Conference on Image Processing and Drug Deliver organized by Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Trivandrum on 4th & 5th March 2016.
- International conference on Environmental Sustainability for food security (ENFOSE 2016), 22-24 Sep 2016. Org. by: Sree Ayyappa College for Women, Chunkankadai, Nagercoil, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu.88
Journal club inauguration:
On January 13th 2004 “Journal Club” was inaugurated by Dr.J.Christopher, Marine Research Station, Taiwan.
Certificate courses:
Certificate courses provided by the Department of Biotechnology
- Certificate Course on Mushroom cultivation
- Certificate Course on Plant tissue culture.