To the Parents
Parents should take an active role in the Parents Teacher’s Association meeting conducted periodically for the development process of their wards and also monitor the academic development and general behaviour. If their wards have any chronic disease please inform to the Class In-Charge and HOD.
Every student has an obligation to obey the rules and regulations of the college to respect and uphold its discipline.
The college has a dress code and a behaviour policy. Students should dress neatly and decently.
- Boys are allowed to wear only shirts and pants.
- The shirt should be neatly tucked in.
Boys should not wear short shirts/ Multicoloured shirts with pictures/ Pants with Multiple pockets/Jeans pants/T-shirts.
Girls should dress modestly and should not wear transparent dresses/half sarees/Jeans pants/T-shirts.
Students should use only normal hair style.
Students have to wear their stipulated uniform.
Students are allowed to wear decent and modest colour dress on Saturday.
Girl students are allowed to wear sarees and chudidars with shawls.
Wearing of I.D. is compulsory inside the college campus.
Smoking and use of intoxicating drugs and alcohol are strictly forbidden.
Ragging is strictly prohibited ON & OFF campus.
Handle college property with care and respect.
Damaging or vandalizing college property is liable to punishment and penalty.
Students are not permitted to leave the college campus during college hours. In an emergency guardian should come to take the ward to home.
Use of mobile phone is strictly prohibited. If found will be confiscated.
Above all, students should not only practice and promote respect but behave appropriately towards other students, staff and the public. Failure to do so will be dealt with seriously.
The College Ethos: Let your parents be proud of your behavior both in and out of the College premises.
While in college students are not allowed to get married without parental consent and elope.
Students should be in class before the bell. Late arrival will be fined. If they visit the rest room or canteen they should be back on time.
If regular students are coming to college on working day for any special purpose they should be in uniform with Identity Card.
Students should be in their classes in time, and shall sit according to their class number. No student shall leave the classroom or laboratory without the permission of the teacher-in-charge. Late comers shall enter the classroom or laboratory only with the permission of the teacher-in-charge. The cleanliness and safety of the College building and its property is the responsibility of every student.
Students are prohibited from organizing or attending unauthorised meetings in the College, distributing notices or hand bills or collecting money for any purpose without the permission of the Principal. All requests, petitions, complaints and appeals should be made to the Principal.The college authorities will not be responsible for misconduct or criminal offence outside the college.
Boys should not enter the premises of the girls’ rooms under any circumstance or use steps reserved for girls.
Any student who is persistently insubordinate (OR) who is habitually irregular in attendance or inattentive to his work in class (OR) who is repeatedly or willfully mischievous or obscene in word or act (OR) who is guilty of fraud or malpractice in examinations (OR) who takes part in political agitations or in any movement causing social discord, will be removed from the rolls temporarily or permanently according to the severity of the offence.
Issue of certificates
Certificates will be issued to students only after all the dues are paid.
The Principal will not issue any certificate of pass for any university examination.
Students are asked to take sufficient copies of original certificates before submitting them to the college.
Attendance & Leave
University and College rules require regular attendance in all classes/ (theory and practical), Games, NCC., NSS., and other part V subjects.
Leave should be applied for, in advance in the form available at the department. Leave application should be addressed to the Principal through HoD.
Absence without the leave application is punishable with fine.
Attendance is taken at the beginning of each period. Absence in one class either in the morning or evening will amount to absence for half a day.
In case of unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances,the leave applications shall be submitted immediately on return after absence.
A student absenting himself from the College for more than 15 consecutive working days without satisfactory explanation is liable to be removed from the rolls.
Leave applications , in the case of illness should be countersigned by the parents or guardian. Application for sick leave for more than three days should be accompanied by medical certificate.
No student will be exempted from Tests or Assignments.
Fee concession holders and scholarship holders should have minimum 90% attendance.
Students have to put in 75% attendance for writing university examaination without paying condonation fee to the University. The condonation fee will be charged from those who have 60% to 75% attendance, and if less than 60% the semester has to be repeated, will be removed from the rolls temporarily or permanently according to the severity of the offence.
Students are asked to pay their semester fees within fifteen days of the college reopening (odd/even semester). Failure to pay the fees for a period of one month will be lead to attendance loss.
If a student is proved guilty of misbehavior and suspended from class he/she will be permitted only to attend academic session and not in extra/co-curricular activities for the remaining part of the year.