+91-04651 244155, 244156,9442336243

Department of Computer Applications

Faculty Profile




Assistant Professor and Head

Department of Computer Applications
Malankara Catholic College, Mariagiri,
Kaliakkavilai -  629153,Tamil Nadu.


M.C.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.


21 years

Area of Specialization

Image Processing, Networks Security.


1. Mr. N.Suresh Singh, Dr.G.Suganthi “High Secured and Authenticated Secret Message Sending using TIRI-DCT-DWT Based Iris Recogonization and Steganography”, International Journal of Computer Applications(IJCA), w ww.ijcaonlin.org , ISSN 0975-8887,2013.

2. Mr.N. Suresh Singh, Dr.G. Suganthi “Multimodal Biometric Authentication Parameters on Human Body”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), ISSN: 2248-9622, w ww.ijera.com –vol. 2, Iss. 3, May2012,pp:331-337.

3. Dr. N Suresh Singh, A Machine Learning Approach to Security Enhancement based on Steganography, International Conference on Soft Computing and Optimizing Techniques,ICSO-19,Research Department of Computer Science, Kamaraj College (M.S.University),Thoothukudi,India,on 9 and 10 August 2019.

4. Dr. N. Suresh Singh, ”Analysis and Evaluation of Texture method for Supervised and Unsupervised Images”, Intelligent Computing Models, Narosa Pulications, and ISBN: 978-81-7319-955-5.

5. Dr. G. Suganthi, N. Suresh Singh”, Ridge Enhanced Steganography Based on LSB and Arnold Transformation” International Journal of Engineering Technology and Computer Applications Vol.1 No.2 ISSN: 2231 – 301X, www.igirn.com

6. N.Suresh Singh, Dr.G. Suganthi, “Secured File Management System Using Stegnography” , w ww.ciitresearch.org ,may2012,ISSN 0974-9691, ISSN 0974-9586(online)

7. N. Suresh Singh , Mohana Dhas, Dr. G. Suganthi “A Comparative study of salt and pepper noise Reduction” www.ijcst.com , Vol 3 Issue 2,International Journal of Computer Science and Technology , ISSN:0976-8491, , ISSN:2229:4333.

8. N.Suresh Singh, Dr.G. Suganthi,”Robust Steganography using Finger Print Image for High Security”, International Journal of Engineering Technology and Computer Applications, Vol.2, No.1, Apr 2012, ISSN: 2231 – 301X.

9. N. Suresh Singh ,M.MohanaDhas,Dr.G.Suganthi, “Three Stage Noise Reduction Scheme for High Density Salt-and-Pepper Noise”, International Journal of Engineering Technology and Computer Applications Vol.2, No.1, Apr 2012,ISSN: 2231 – 301X.

Books Authored

1. “Intelligent Computing Models”, Narosa Publication New Delhi. ISBN: 978-81-7319-955-5.

2. “Computers For Digital Era”, SaraS Publication, South Tamilnadu.