+91-04651 244155, 244156,9442336243


Vision :

  To be nationally recognized through education and research.

Mission :

  Prepare students to understand and safely manage Earth and its resources for the future.

Goal :

  To continually improve education of undergraduates in order to continually prepare new generations of scientists and technologically literate individuals who understand not only basic scientific concepts but also have a working knowledge of the latest scientific discoveries.

About the Department

  The Department of Geology was started in June 2016. The Department strives to achieve academic excellence and to produce geoscientists with world class training.

Programs Offered

B. Sc. Geology (3 years)

M. Sc. Geology (2 years)

Infrastructure Facilities

  The Department has well equipped laboratories with sophisticated equipments to cater to the needs of practical course-work of under graduate and post graduate students as well as for research. Major facilities available in the Department are Mineralogy, Petrology & Paleontology Laboratories: Students and Research model Polarizing Microscopes with Photographic facility microscopes (15 Polarizing Microscopes Equipment cost 11.00 Lak).

Museum :
  Geology museum having a collection of about 150 rock forming minerals, Ore minerals, Industrial minerals, various type of rocks and fossils.